Latin American Electroacoustic Music Collection

Jose Miguel Candela, Dj3, 2001
[Ciclo DJ (a la manera de Ahmed Malek)]

Recording time: 3 min 56 s.
Remarks: Fragment. From Ciclo DJ (a la manera de Ahmed Malek).

Other resources available:
- About Jose Miguel Candela
- Compositions by Jose Miguel Candela

About this composition:

DJ Cycle (dedicated to the Algerian composer Ahmed Malek), 2000-2001: "DJ Cycle" is a group of 4 pieces composed for differents chilean coreographies. All the work is based in elements that came from popular dance music, almost like a disck-jockey work. DJ1 was made for the Coreography "Sin Respiro", a creation about dreams and imagination. DJ2, DJ3 and DJ4 were made for the coreography "Deep Contrast" of Daniela Marini, and they talk about the worker class in Chile. DJ2 is about their pains, and DJ3 about their happiness. DJ4 is about consumism, and its consecuencies; its also a trip to the end of contrasts, the search of the lonely homogeneus sound.
