Semi-Structured Interview with Claudia (full length audio file):

Claudia is 61 years old and works in a publishing house. Her husband is an artist, and she frequently visits museums. She slowly realises that the work responds to movement and, with some encouragement from the interviewer, experiments freely with the work. She finds it surprising and at first feels very motivated to move quickly round the space. She then experiments with slow movements. Conceptually, she thinks the work is an invitation to the participant to move more slowly–both in the gallery and in life. She feels that older people do not understand much about technology and that her own taste is for more traditional art. However, she enjoys the Very Nervous System, which she finds very meditative, and says she would like to have one at home.

Produced by the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute, Linz; interviewer: Lizzie Muller. Interview conducted in September 2009 in Linz (Austria).