Musique électroacoustique latino-américaine

alcides lanza, acúfenos II (1971-IV) [tape part only], 1971

Durée de l'enregistrement : 7 min 52 s.
Instruments : Orchestre de chambre et bande
Réalisé à : Studio du compositeur et EMS de l'université McGill. Montréal, QC, Canada.

Autres ressources disponibles :
- Biographie de alcides lanza
- Compositions par alcides lanza

À propos de cette composition :

[Traduction française non disponible]
acúfenos II [1971-IV], chamber ensemble, electronic sounds and electronic extensions

The concept of "modules" has been used by the composer since 1960. acúfenos II is a composition realized by putting together many "modules" extracted from several other works by the composer. Instrumental parts are from acúfenos I, penetrations II, ekphonesis II, ekphonesis III.

Electronic parts are from : exercise I, interferences II, strobo Im ekphonesis II.

By using this procedure the composition tries to present a vision of 'memories' coming from the composer's own past experiences.

A very simple theatrical presentation can be done using pale lights, with a pulsating effect near the end.

Electronic extensions -using microphones, contact microphones via a mixing board - will accomplish the most relevant dynamic changes for the ensemble. Since no other dynamic indications are given, it is important to realize that this will be the only way to effect dynamic changes.

The composition was commissioned and is dedicated to the Composers/Performers Group,. From NY.

The tape part was realized at the EMS, McGill University, Montreal.

Score published by Boosey&Hawkes, NY [ B. Ens. 209]

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