Musique électroacoustique latino-américaine

Jose Miguel Candela, Delta, 2002

Durée de l'enregistrement : 4 min 01 s.

Autres ressources disponibles :
- À propos de Jose Miguel Candela
- Compositions par Jose Miguel Candela

À propos de cette composition :

[Traduction française non disponible]
Delta (2002): Fragment from the choreography "Lapsos Vitales" (Rodrigo Fernández), and performed by the National Chilean Ballet. "Lapsos Vitales" is inspired on the electric pulses that the human brain originates during different states of mind. Delta is based on "delta waves", that are present in deep dreaming. The music makes use of three changing sounds, and others linguistic insinuations that finally confound their meanings: the words (from "Cien Sonetos de Amor", by the Chilean Nobel Price Pablo Neruda, sonetos XI and XXVII) ; the "techno" pattern, and the heart beat simulation. It is a musical search in the non-linear idea of dreaming. The audition in TIME 2004 is dedicated to Pablo Neruda, one century after his birth.

Table des matières :