Web site
Art&D : une vitrine sur la recherche en art numérique. – Montréal : Société des arts technologiques. – Videos of artists interviews available online. . {{spip.sat.qc.ca}}
Group exhibition catalogue
Art&D : une vitrine sur la recherche en art numérique = a showcase of digital research [On-line]. – Montréal : Société des arts technologiques, 2004. – Acrobat (PDF) file. {{www.sat.qc.ca}}
Archive document : File
[Violin power]. – [1984-1998]. – Set of 41 elements. – File. – The person who processed the documents established the arrangement of items. – Includes one grant application, one registration form, two books parts, one biographical document, one equipment list, five descriptions of the performance/videotape, one cover of an instructions'manual, two posters, five programs, nine photocopies of periodicals articles, one press release, five black and white photographies, four technical drawings, three letters.
Text in periodical
Myles, Brian. – «Le laboratoire de l'imprévisible». – Le Devoir. – (24/25 oct. 1998). – P. B4.
Documentation file
[The User] (Thomas McIntosh & Emmanuel Madan) : Symphony #2 for dot matrix printers. – Documentation file, R+DC, Daniel Langlois Foundation.