Musique électroacoustique latino-américaine

Raúl Minsburg (Argentine)

[Traduction non disponible]
Composer, researcher and educator, Raúl Minsburg (born 1965) received in 1988 his degree in music at Juan José Castro Conservatory. Later he took regular courses of philosophy and history at the University of Buenos Aires, and private studies in instrumental and electroacoustic music.

He had won several awards, among them: the Bourges Competition prize in France, in 1994, with his work “El otro espejo” and Juan Carlos Paz Competition - First Prize in Argentina, in 1996, with “Voces del recuerdo” (realized at Birmingham University). His work “A tu memoria” was awarded at the IMEB - Bourges Competition in France, the Metamorphoses Competition in Belgium and the CIMESP in Brazil.

At present, Minsburg is Professor, Researcher and Academic Coordinator at the National University of Lanús (UNLA), where he is Co-director of the International Festival “Sonoimágenes” too. Minsburg is also Professor at the National University of Tres de Febrero (UNTREF) in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and Coordinator of Projects at CEIArtE - Electronic Arts Experimenting and Research Center at the same university.

His music has been performed in Chile, Brazil, Cuba, Costa Rica, Spain, Mexico, the United States, Canada, France, Germany, England and Sweden; and he has been developing research in musical perception, mainly focusing on the field of electroacoustic textures. Minsburg is founder and a member of the board of RedASLA, a network devoted to the Latin American Sonic Arts.

Recordings of his music can be found CD editions like: “Sonidos y Visiones del Sur”, published by the National University of Lanús and La Serena University, “Panorama de la Música Argentina” published by IRCO, and “RedASLA Vol. 1”.

Other works by Minsburg are: "La huella de Vincent" for electronic sounds from 1992; "Un oído en el desierto", electroacoustic music from 1995; "Las Formas del Silencio", electroacoustic music from 1996; "Días despues...", electroacoustic music from 1997-1998; "Cientos de voces", electroacoustic music from 1999; "Tiempos imaginarios" for 4 musicians and tape from 1999; "Entre sueños", electroacoustic music from 2001; and "El mismo camino", electroacoustic music from 2003.

(last update by RDF: November, 2007)

Ressources disponibles pour ce compositeur :
- Liste des compositions (6 compositions)

Table des matières :