Musique électroacoustique latino-américaine

Martín Fumarola (Argentine)

[Traduction non disponible]
Martín Fumarola (born in 1966) has been Associate Composer to the LEIM (Laboratorio de Electroacústica e Informática Musical) at the School of Arts, National University of Córdoba until 2002. He is now a freelance composer.

Among other works he composed the following tape works: "Argos" in 1988; "Estatismo" in 1989; "In-Movile" in 1992-1993, "Set In" in 1994; "El peregrinar de la araña" in 1995; "Callejuelas", realized at LIEM-CDMC in Madrid, Spain, in 1996; "Shaguir, realized at the Theremin Center for Electroacustic Music and Multimedia in Moscow, Russia, and "Omen", both in 1998; "SC" in 1999; and "CS" in 2002, realized at his personal studio.

Some of his research papers are: "Delimitación de constantes compositivas en la música electroacústica argentina del interior del país", Final Report, research grant 1997-1998, National Endowments for the Arts, Argentina; "A compositional strategy thought in terms of stories", published in the Proceedings of III Simposio Brasileiro de Computaçao e Musica held in Recife, Brazil, 1996; "An Approach to a Latinamerican Computer Music", published in the Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference held in Hong-Kong, 1996; and "Electroacoustic Music Practice in Latin America: An Interview with Juan Amenabar", published in Computer Music Journal Vol. 23 No. 1, 1999, The MIT Press, United States.

Fumarola is also active in promoting electroacoustic music through curated concerts and lectures.

(text updated: October, 2003)

Ressources disponibles pour ce compositeur :
- Liste des compositions (8 compositions)

Table des matières :