Musique électroacoustique latino-américaine

Claudio Santoro (Brésil)

[Traduction non disponible]
Claudio Santoro (born in Manaus, 1919) composed "Aleatórios I, II, III" for tape (audiovisual pieces) between 1966 and 1967; "Intermitencias II" for chamber orchestra in 1967, using 4 microphones and a group of loudspeakers to amplify the acoustic instrument resonances; "Mutationen I" for modern harpsichord with pedals and tape in 1968; "Mutationen II" for cello and tape in 1969; "Mutationen III" for piano and tape in 1970; "Quadros sonoros", for tape and paintings with photosensors, between 1967 and 1970; "Mutationen IV" for viola and tape between 1971 and 1972; "Mutationen V" and "Mutationen VI", both for violin and tape, in 1972; "Mutationen VII" for string quartet, with "Mutationen" II, IV, V and VI or any combination of this, and tape in 1973; "Mutationen VIII" for piano, string quartet (with "Mutationen" II, IV, V and VI) and tape in 1975; "Struktur von Zement und Eisen" for tape between 1972 and 1975; "Mutationen X" for oboe and tape, "Mutationen XI" for double bass and tape, and "Mutationen XII" for string quintet or string orchestra and tape, all three works in 1976.

(text updated: October, 2003)

Ressources disponibles pour ce compositeur :
- Liste des compositions (2 compositions)

Table des matières :