Musique électroacoustique latino-américaine

alcides lanza, eidesis III (1971-II), 1971

Durée de l'enregistrement : 13 min 52 s.
Instruments : Pour un ou deux orchestres et bande
Réalisé à : Studio du compositeur et EMS de l'université McGill. Montréal, QC, Canada.
Remarques : Orchestre symphonique de Mälmo, Suède; alcides lanza et Mesías Maiguashca, chefs d'orchestre.

Autres ressources disponibles :
- Biographie de alcides lanza
- Compositions par alcides lanza

À propos de cette composition :

[Traduction française non disponible]
Written spontaneously by alcides lanza, dedicated to Antonio Tauriello. The premiere performance took place during a Nutida Musik concert, with the Malmö Symphony Orchestra, February 15, 1972. The conductors were Mesias Maiguashca and alcides lanza. eidesis III seeks a sound realization of double and triple images, as if there were superimposed transparencies getting in and out of alignment.

Eidetic: of, or pertaining to, or constituting visual imagery retained in the memory and easily reproducible with with great accuracy and great detail [from the Greek 'eidos', plus 'etikos']

Tape part realized at the McGill University EMS, sugin materials done with the Le Caine Instruments, plus pre-recorded sounds from the Columbia-Princeton EMC.

Table des matières :