Musique électroacoustique latino-américaine

Juan María Solare, Solidità della Nebbia, 1999-2000

Durée de l'enregistrement : 10 min 56 s.
Instruments : Pour cor de basset et sons électroniques
Remarques : Michele Marelli, cor de basset.

Autres ressources disponibles :
- À propos de Juan María Solare
- Compositions par Juan María Solare

À propos de cette composition :

[Traduction française non disponible]
The clarinetist Michele Marelli (whom I got to know in Kürten in 1998, during some courses given by Stockhausen) insisted during months so that I write a piece for corno di bassetto and tape. Of course, this piece is dedicated to him in friendship.

"Solidità della nebbia" was realized at the Studio of the Musikhochschule in Cologne (with the technical assistance of Marcel Schmidt and under the guidance of Hans Ulrich Humpert). The piece is almost completely based upon samples of bassett horn, performed by Michele Marelli, and of his voice.

The title is taken from a picture by Luigi Russolo (1885-1947), a painting where the colour blue predominates, which I saw in Venice in the Peggy Guggenheim Museum on 1st January 2000 (it was an interesting way of beginning the year). Russolo, besides being painter, was a musician (or at least inventor), and one of the impulsers of Futurism. He was one of the first that already in 1913 imagined a music based on taking noise as raw material and organizing it. And he didn't limit himself to imagine this, but he constructed a group of apparats (intonarumori) that put in practice his ideas. That line of thought is retaken with Edgar Varese, later with the musique concrète and the electronic. Forcing things, all present computer music is in debt with futurist ideas. To intitle this piece "Solidità della nebbia" implies thus an acknowledgement.

In this work, the starting point is harmonic: the same melos is used to construct the voice of the corno di bassetto, for the traspositions of the recorded material, and to mark the form on a large scale.

Acerca de la obra :

"Solidità della nebbia" (Solidez de la niebla) para corno di bassetto y sonidos electrónicos (cuadrafónica, hay versión estéreo). Realizada en el estudio de la Escuela Superior de Música de Colonia (con la asistencia de Marcel Schmidt y la guía de Hans Ulrich Humpert). Basada en samples de corno di bassetto, tocado por Michele Marelli, y de su voz. Köln y Milano, 30/NOV 1999 - SEP/2000. [10'45"]. Estrenada por Michele Marelli (corno di bassetto) el 12/OCT/2000 en el Aula Magna de la Escuela Superior de Música de Colonia, iniciando el festival para el 35º aniversario del Estudio de Música Electrónica de la Escuela. Repetida por Michele Marelli el 25/ENE/2002 en Alessandria (Italia) para la Asociación jazzística "L' AX". En mayo del 2002 obtuvo un premio en la Tribuna Argentina de Música Electroacústica (TRIME), organizada por la Fundación Encuentros Internacionales de Música Contemporánea (EIMC-SIMC), con los auspicios del Consejo Argentino de la Música (CAMU-CIM-Unesco).

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