Musique électroacoustique latino-américaine

Beatriz Ferreyra, Siesta Blanca, 1972

Durée de l'enregistrement : 14 min 26 s.
Instruments : Musique électroacoustique

Autres ressources disponibles :
- À propos de Beatriz Ferreyra
- Compositions par Beatriz Ferreyra

À propos de cette composition :

[Traduction française non disponible]
Groupe de Musiques Expérimentales de Bourges (GMEB), Commission 1972, for the musical suite "Les Saisons". 3rd Prize of the Electronic Music Competition in Fylkingen
1975 (Sweden).

In Memoriam Astor Piazzolla.

In Febrary 1972, as I was just back from a short stay in Argentina where I had spent the hottest
summer of my last fifteen years (45 to 52° C), Françoise Barrière and Christian Clozier commissioned me a piece for their audiovisual performance "Les Saisons" (The Seasons), stipulating that I had to illustrate the winter in Argentina, with adding musical constituants of that country. Feeling a little troubled by the theme, I chose for Siesta Blanca some excerpts from Astor Piazzolla’s tangos and recorded sounds of an electronic organ, in view to express the of
what I just lived. After transformation, these sounds could materialize the extreme sensation
of cold and heat: the cold made of the crystal of ice and its shuddering of frozzen light; the
heat made of hot vibration in a static and burning summer , as both sides of a same reality.

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