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Thème : Interface ET Muséologie

18 sites web

15 documents audiovisuels

Alan Dunning, Paul Woodrow, The Einstein's Brain Project, 1995-2001John Klima, Earth, 2001John Klima, Terrain Machine, 2002Atau Tanaka, Sensorband Long Distance Concert With ISDN Connection, 1997Golan Levin et Paul Debevec, Rouen Revisited, 1996Peter Blasser, the rollable synthesizer, 2002Peter Blasser, the egongs, 2001Peter Blasser, the portland chucky, 2001Peter Blasser jouant du shinths, 2003 (vidéo)
Peter Blasser, the blowing bear, 1999John Klima, Terrain Machine, 2002John Klima, Terrain Machine, 2002Alan Dunning, Paul Woodrow, The Einstein's Brain Project: The Fall, The Flesh, The Furnace, 1995-2001Alan Dunning, Paul Woodrow, The Einstein's Brain Project: The Fall, The Flesh, The Furnace, 1995-2001Alan Dunning, Paul Woodrow, The Einstein's Brain Project: The Fall, The Flesh, The Furnace, 1995-2001

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180 documents dans la collection

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25 événements

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