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Vishal Rawlley and Kurnal Rawat

Taxi sticker art

Vishal Rawlley and Kurnal Rawat, Typocity, 2003
Vishal Rawlley and Kurnal Rawat, Typocity, 2003 Taxi sticker art downloadable font
This project provides insight into the culture of taxi sticker art (a): the artisans involved in this craft, their workplace and tools, and an elaboration of their production technique.

By documenting step-by-step processes, the TyPoCiTy Web site also presents the production techniques used by the craftsmen and technicians (b). Finally, the artists converted some of the more interesting lettering styles found in their research into digital fonts that users can download from the TyPoCiTy Web site (c).

RaphaĆ«lle Aubin © 2007 FDL