Musique électroacoustique latino-américaine

alcides lanza, arghanum III (1987-II), 1987

Durée de l'enregistrement : 23 min 12 s.
Instruments : Musique électroacoustique
Réalisé à : Studio du compositeur (Studio SHELAN) et EMS de l'université McGill. Montréal, QC, Canada.

Autres ressources disponibles :
- Biographie de alcides lanza
- Compositions par alcides lanza

À propos de cette composition :

[Traduction française non disponible]
The composer explores the myriad transformations possible when samling materials of his own earlier [mostly vocal] compositions, with results to be almost autobiographical.

Primeval, organic, watery sounds, perceived as through a mist, floating, with remembrances of unclear events…faint voices trying to penetrate a thick veil of sound. arghanum [Gk. Organon]: Arabic name for a Byzantine organ, according to the writer Ibn Khurdadkbih [9th century] the word 'arghanum' was interpreted as meaning "1000 voices".

Realized at the composer's own studio [Studio SHELAN]. Some digital processing was done with a Synclavier II Digital Synthesizer at the EMS, McGill University.

Table des matières :