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Nom : Jim Campbell, 1956

22 documents audiovisuels

Jim Campbell, Memory Works, 1994-1996Jim Campbell, Shadow (for Heisenberg), 1993-1994Jim Campbell, Digital Watch, 1991Jim Campbell, Hallucination, 1988-1990"Some Electronic Perspetives on Time in Electronic Art" (vidéo)
Jim Campbell, Hallucination, 1988-1990Jim Campbell, Portrait of a Portrait of Harry Nyquist (2000).

Gracieuseté de l'artiste.Jim Campbell, Political Protest New York 2004 - 3 (détail), 2005Jim Campbell, Political Protest New York 2004 - 3, 2005Jim Campbell, Political Protest New York 2004 - 2, 2005Jim Campbell, Political Protest New York 2004 - 1, 2005Jim Campbell, Digital Watch, 1991 (vidéo)
Jim Campbell, Building Memory, 2000 (vidéo)
Jim Campbell, Simultaneous Perspective, 1997 (vidéo)
Jim Campbell, Ruins of Light,  1992 (vidéo)
Jim Campbell, Portrait of a Portrait of Claude Shannon, 2000. Gracieuseté de l'artiste. (vidéo)
Jim Campbell, Untitled (for Heisenberg), 1994-1995Jim Campbell, Untitled (for Heisenberg), 1994-1995Jim Campbell, I Have Never Read the Bible, 1995 (vidéo)
Jim Campbell, I Have Never Read the Bible, 1995Jim Campbell, Shadow (for Heisenberg), 1993-1994Jim Campbell, I Have Never Read the Bible Again, 2001 (vidéo)

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