Musique électroacoustique latino-américaine

Héctor Fiore, El rancho, 1998

Durée de l'enregistrement : 8 min 54 s.
Instruments : Hautbois, quatuor à cordes et bande.

Autres ressources disponibles :
- À propos de Héctor Fiore
- Compositions par Héctor Fiore

À propos de cette composition :

[Traduction française non disponible]
The piece was composed for the Muzyka Centrum Oboe Quartet Ensemble, and was first performed on the cycle of Argentinean contemporary music concerts in Poland (1988/89). I've intended to make use of the exceptional interpretative and technical possibilities of the polish oboe player Mariusz Pedzialek. Oboe multiphonic sounds are also used as harmonic and structural materials to construct the whole shape of the piece. There is a progressive use of quarter tones. Just over the end of the piece they play a very important harmonic roll.

Table des matières :